martedì 11 marzo 2008

the love of my life is gone to the Rainbow Bridge

I'm so sad, I couldn't believe it could happen so fast and so bad...My beautiful 15 y/o yellow boy Jerry is gone to the Rainbow Bridge the night of the 31th december .sunday i was putting the leash to walk him out and he fell on himself crying out in pain...monday we went to the vet and he did an x-ray...Jerry had a broken leg so we decided to try surgery. the surgery went well, his heart was still beating but he wouldn't wake up anymore.i know he was so old and his leaving was going to happen anytime soon but i really didn't believe it could happen in such a bad way.i really miss my boy, he was sweet, he was funny and he was the love of life, he had been my first dog, my first labrador, he was there when i got married, he was there when i had my first child, he was never jeaolus, he wal always patient, we spent hours playing outside or simply sitting on the floor hugging he was my boy and i can't believe it's over...i don't know if i can handle this i still see him walkng around asking me to play...bringing me the ball or his preferite toys to battle it with i will have to bring him to the pet cemetary and i don't have th heart to let him be taken by someonelse...i will bring him by myself...Goodbye Jerry, love of my life...i could write tons of words but our moments together will be forever in my heart

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